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Kirill Bondarenko

Full Stack Developer

Toronto, CA | Moscow, RU

About me

Hello there 👋

I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer with a knack for crafting seamless digital experiences. Combining my expertise in frontend and backend technologies, I strive to create intuitive, responsive, and high-performance web applications that delight users and drive business success.

Feel free to DM me!



Tontune (Founder)

Tontune is an innovative music streaming platform that integrates the cutting-edge technology of blockchain to transform the way artists connect with their audience and monetize their music.

Strapi IconTON IconReact Icon
E-commerce project

eCommerce Website

Modern solutions, delivering seamless shopping experiences with back-end systems to support inventory, user management, and secure payment processing.

GraphQL IconMongoDB IconNextJS Icon
Face2Une CRM project

Face2une CRM

Scalable CRM system, designed to manage customer interactions effectively, facilitate data analysis, and promote business growth through improved customer relationship management.

NestJS IconSupaBase IconReact Icon
Student Invest project

Student Invest

Social network for students and investors. Connects creative minds with Angel investors, that help them unlock their potential.

Express IconPostgreSQL IconReact Icon

Developed by Kirill Bondarenko 2024